bio-sociological community roots
and their destruction by predatory patriarchal domination We humans are by our very nature the most social beings an Earth. We have highly developed social brains, which provide us with a vast range of social behaviour patterns – and our linguistic capabilities let us organize highly complex informational systems like cultures and civilizations. Our curiosity and life long learning ability makes us super adaptable to changing social conditions - and our creativity provides us with the miraculous skills of social innovation and evolution. If one studies the ethnological, historical and archeological roots of human sociality (as I did as archeologist), it soon becomes clear, that we went super-social in GROUPS. We are COMMUNITY-BEINGS. We have learned to socialize over thousands and millions of years in hordes, clans, tribes or whatsoever the group is called and cultivated. There seems to be a certain bio-sociological framework for all these kind of communities. The „Dunbar-number“ for example is derived from the observation, that a group rarely counts more than 150 members. Probably that is the maximum number of people, a human can maintain intimate relationships with. And the intimate relationship with every other member of the group is a core element of group socialization. When a group is growing bigger than the Dunbar-number, it tends to split in two or more parts or to build daughter communities. In this mannor bigger populations of kindred groups with cultural relationships can be formed out of group socialization. Clans inside tribes, tribes inside tribal federations, neighbourhoods inside a city and citystates inside a civilization are following exactly this social organization pattern through all cultural levels of human social evolution. Another bio-sociological framework seems to be the selforganization in competence hierarchies. Groups are economically autarch and socially sovereign. A sane group individual has their own free will to socialize in their own appropriate way. Children donīt get educated in an enforced way, but they can follow their own curiosity and learn playfully from their social interactions. In this way humans can grow up as free beings, who socialize by free will and well trained empathy. And only by free will and empathy these free humans give authority to others with high competence in a certain task. The men follow the best tracker on a hunt or a young mother ask an experienced grandmother for advice in sibbling care or an apprentice in a certain profession is learning from a master. This kind of authority has no power over others at all – it is given by free choice and can taken back anytime by free choice. One can call it „natural authority“ to distinct it from „institutionalized authority“, which is something completely different. Another bio-sociological framework seems to be the internal community suborganization in „gender groups“. The women tend to selforganize as female gender group, the men as male gender group and the children leave as ablactents their mothers and join the selforganizing children group, which lives amidst the womens group. The gender groups interact synergetically as sovereign social entities inside the shared social unity of the whole community. All bio-sociologically original community types seem to share this gender differenciation, despite any other cultural differences. Well, that are historically our social roots. But what about the sociality of our nowadays civilized life in huge mass societies? At least parts of our bio-sociological framework seems still at work. The Dunbar-number describes quite well the closer social circle of relatives and friends, one can find in the average private adress book. Still we build competence hierarchies and have founded complex organizations and institutions on this basement. But everything else has changed. The most people donīt selforganize any more by free will, but are forced by their society to accept itīs given laws and bow their knees to itīs leaders. Authority now is taken and hold by force and wants the people to be odedient to itīs orders. Authority hierarchies donīt represent competence any more – often one donīt find the best and nobelst in the highest ranks, but the most roothless and criminal characters. Children are not allowed any more to selforganize completely their social life and learn by curiosity, like theyīre still called to by their bio-sociological nature - they get educated now - often against their own free will - and have to submiss to their educators will and indoctrination. The sovereign gender groups have long been destroyed and replaced by the ARTIFICIALLY INTRODUCED FAMILY and itīs economic dependency on society. The family was founded by slave keeping empires as a slave breeding institution to divide tribal gender groups and to raise children from the very beginning of their lifes into system slavery. The submission under family education is highly traumatizing and uses such traumatizations systematically to force children in a prefabricated social matrix. Every single aspect of family life is the very antidote of a sovereign human socialization – thatīs why I call this institution UNHOLY. Facing the overall SOCIAL HELL, that results from all this insane social conditioning, one can only ask: What has happened to human sociality in between the tribal ages and our current civilized times, that it has changed so much and that it lost so much freedom and sovereignty? The answer is clear and short: PATRIARCHY has taken over whole societies worldwide by the brute force of invasion, conquest, submission, indoctrination and exploitation. The vast majority of humans have become LIFESTOCK of conquering elites. Their „culture“ is a set of lifestock keeping techniques, which have been introduced during history all over occident and orient by wave after wave of conquering inner-asian steppherders, who had learned to keep conquested agricultural and urban populations as human lifestock. On this basement there is no sane socialization possible any more, but exactly the socially profoundly sick society the result, we see all around us today. A deeply creepy civilization, which is overexploiting and devouring biosphere and humanity on the cost of itīs own upcoming extinction. Just for the temporary sake of a tiny elite class of highly predatory exploiters. Our current civilization is in a deep and dangerous PATRIARCHAL SURVIVAL CRISIS. Itīs in a furious social and cultural devolution towards certain SELF-EXTINCTION. Like so many predatory patriarchal civilizations before. Patriarchy seems to be always doomed to progressing DEHUMANIZATION from itīs brute beginning to itīs certain apocalyptic end. But now weīre not facing the crumbling of a regional empire any more: Our current civilization is global – and therefore it will crash globally – and it will drag down everybody on itīs fatal course, who has not yet learned to liberate themselves from the patriarchal matrix. When we as humans want to survive our newest and most threatening patriarchal survival crisis nowadays, itīs essential, that we revive fully our bio-sociologically original SOVEREIGN COMMUNITY LIFE and build our bigger societies on such socially highly competent foundation. There is social and cultural healing possible. Based on the renewed unfolding of free will and empathy, selforganization and competence, as it always was, is and will be in any kind of socially sane human culture. The big question now and here just is: How can we reach this goal successfully? This question will be answered in PART 2 of this paper. Please feel heartly welcomed to demand your version as PDF-file FOR FREE by signing up for my NEWSLETTER:
Freigeist von Lebenskunst ![]() Evolutionary Philosopher & founder of the Think Tank EVOLUTION LEAPERS The paper above is written & published in July 2022 -------------------------------------------------------------- ![]() HOME |