Evolution does not always climb upwards. In the opposite, often it turns downward into DEVOLUTION towards lesser evolved
life-forms and quite commonly itīs becoming extinct after some while as an
evolutionary dead end. The impression, that evolution climbs
consequently up during time, just counts on the meta-level of life an
Earth as a whole, not for single species. And the meta-level rises only,
because all species, who are unfit to adapt to changing conditions, exterminate themselves systematically from
the game, so that only the currently highest evolved and most creative species survive. For
human evolution that means, that thereīs no guarantee at all, that
mankind will rise itself automatically on ever higher development
levels due to natural laws. Statistically nature alone would much more
probably select us for quite certain extinction in the long run. The
only halfway "guarantee" or at least quite a good chance to develop
upwards seems to be CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION by cultural means. As the
Philosopher Henri Bergson
theorized, ALL kinds of evolution must have a consciously formulated
and guided purpose - or they wonīt be able to reach any higher goal. That
means, that even animals, plants and bacteria have to know in some way
or the other, where they stand and towards where they want to evolve.
An animal for example, which is going to develop wings, must have a
very clear, practical and attractive goal in the air, it want to reach
with all necessary means - like flying prey as a new potential food
source. Without such aimed consciousness thereīs no evolution happening
at all.
E-mail: info@evolutionleapers.comIn this sense the current transhumanist agenda is quite conscious about itīs direction. Itīs basic idea is, that humans are not the end of evolution, but at best an intermediate step towards superhuman heights. That insight initially is valid as an evolutionary mindset. We humans seem at the meta-level of evolution to rush ever faster from an animal-like life-form towards something like a god-like life-form. The problems stick in the details. Especially in the transhumanist worldview, which is based on the outdated materialistic worldview of mechanical physics, where humans are basically lumps of dead matter, ruled by mechanistic laws and functioning like highly complex biological machines. This is just the narrow zeitgeist perspective of the industrial age, which is mainly dedicated to build machines. The assumption, that the whole universe would be a huge machine and humans therefore would be biological machines, is as flawed and false at it could be. Therefore any attempt to drive human evolution consciously towards becoming an "over-machine" can only degenerate humans in massive devolutionary form, because the basic mechanical laws of physics, on which this attempt is based on, are on a much lower complexity level than biological or cultural systems. What that means, one can watch in real time in the highly technologized civilized societies worldwide: Due to their adaptation towards growing technocracy, individual humans and whole populations are loosing increasingly human faculties and capabilities, their species had already realized. Highly technologized mankind is dumbing down itself with the fastest possible pace - without watching the "dead end" signs on this fatal course, because they donīt fit in the transhumanist worldview of a brighter future through the means of technology. Transhumanism grants every guarantee to fail and draw mankind downwards with it. Thus any kind of conscious human evolution, which wants really to succeed, will need a much higher evolved worldview, which takes the most highly evolved human faculties and capabilities so far and tries to surpass them. Real evolution is orientated at the upper levels of humanity and want to reach even further upwards. A good example may be the orientation at historical game changer figures like Jesus or Buddha, who developed superhuman insights and life-strategies, which attracted followers to copy them. In this way a phenomenon like "christ-consciousness", which is basically an "all-unity-consciousness" spread from originally one person, who had an evolutionary breakthrough, towards ever growing population circles, until eventually all mankind awakens on this collevtively enlightened level, which becomes then the next step of human spiritual evolution. The huge difference between devolution and evolution, transhumanism and spirituality is, that transhumanism is orientated only at the development of the naked, most basic physicallity of our existence, meanwhile spirituality boosts the highest spiritual, mental and emotional faculties of human existence, which are automatically pulling our physical evolution upwards in consequence. Human biology develops further much better through further spiritual evolution than through mere physical enhancements by any kind of technology. Gentechnology as a pseudo-evolutionary tool for example, has no spirit at all - and therefore is not able in any possible form - to alter the biological human form towards anything more spiritual then the original. In contrary, the result must be an even more despiritualized and machine-like underhuman creature. Maybe the new creature may have super-human machine powers and artificial intelligence, but it has no soul in the sense of spiritual self-reflection as divine being in further conscious unfolding. The best and most effective way to undermine and stop transhumanism, is to shatter itīs flawed materialistic worldview. Which is quite easy, given that science has long shown, how completely false it is. Quantum physics donīt provide a purely mechanistical worldview any more - in the opposite, it suggests very clearly a key-role of consciousness in this universe. And there are far beyond quantum physics growing voices all over the science community, who want to overcome the overaged materialistic paradigm with a more panpsychic worldview, where the whole universe is alive, intelligent and creative. A worldview by the way, which is not new at all, but typical for the vast majority of historically developed human cultures. This makes clear, that we initially have to become very conscious, that we have to turn around civilized mankindsī current downward devolutionary trend into a newly formed upward trend. We have to return first to where we have already been as a species and culture, until we can climb up human evolution towards really new, never before reached peaks. Thus any kind of sensefull and reasonable human evolution must be in itīs very beginnings a REHUMANISATION, which turns then into an authentic and valuable further HUMANITARIAN EVOLUTION. Freigeist von Lebenskunst, 12. Juli 2022, La Gomera Who is interested now in deepening this evolutionary philosophical discussion or wants to demand an EVOLUTIONARY CONSULTING & COACHING for conscious personal and/or collective evolution, may feel heartly welcomed to contact me: or send me a message directly to my inbox (click) FREIGEIST VON LEBENSKUNST ![]() Evolutionary Philosopher & founder of the Think Tank EVOLUTION LEAPERS ![]() HOME DEVELOPING FUTUROLOGY ESSAYS (English) FUTUROLOGIE WEITERENTWICKELN (Deutsch) |