HOME ![]() EVOLUTION LEAPERS THINK TANK FOR ALTERNATIVE FUTUROLOGY ELECTRIC EVOLUTION ENHANCEMENT DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE FOR NEW ELECTRO-MAGNETIC TECHNOLOGIES ![]() The electro-magnetic age has merely begun. We are already used to electricity, electric motors, radiowaves and information streaming via mobile phone, but thatīs still nothing in comparison with what lies ahead. Currently a paradigm shift occurs in the crown of all sciences: Cosmology turns from an overaged gravitational astronomy slowly towards an electro-magnetic Plasmacosmology. In a cosmos consisting of more than 99% ionized plasma every- thing is electro-magnetically swinging and spinning and spiraling, driven by the electric polarity of plus and minus, proton and electron dancing around each other, creating a swinging, spinning magnetic field like a standing wave, which interacts with other magnetic fields around. "Solid" matter and all physical bodies appear as the energetically condensed and compressed cores of their wider magnetic fields, which size depends on the strength of their electric currents as well as the capacity to store and organize plasma in itīs boundaries. So humans, animals, plants, even stones, planets and stars have a swinging, spinning electro-magnetic energy torus around them, which defines their bodies and interacts energetically with their neighbours fields. Since humans live inside the Earthīs magnetic field and that dwells in the one of the sun, and this in the galaxies one and that in the cosmic field of all universe - since then is getīs clearer how everything is entangled in ONE huge electro-magnetic ocean of waves inside waves inside waves, driven by the forces of plasma, informed and organized by communicating wavefields. This in mind, it becomes obvious, that plasma physicists and eletrical engineers are going to become the most influential professions of the dawning age of electro-magnetism, together with the refiners of their technologies, like hardware builders, software programmers, sound engineers, energy healers and diverse other upcoming electro-magnetic professions. Thereīs a whole new world of possibilities to be explored, developed and utilized. The Think Tank EVOLUTION LEAPERS observes the electro-magnetic scene in itīs wholeness and envisions possible development strategies for new technologies, industries, products, services and information flows. The development initiative ECTRIC EVOLUTION ENHANCEMENT is an attempt to connect scientists and engineers, inventors and investors to 1.) upscale existing electro-magnetic pioneer technologies for their global implementation and 2.) to focalize and boost the development of selected electromagnetic future technologies from vision to elaboration to prototype to industrialisation. ![]() Example 1: ELECTRIC FUSION REACTOR AS NEW ENERGY SOURCE In a plasma chamber the plasma atmosphere of an artificial mini sun is created with high voltage between a central anode and the chamberwall as cathode. An electric fusion of the plasma gas in the chamber with the anode creates much more energy output than input, which can be harvested as heat and turned into electricity. Electric fusion runs with much lower costs and energy than nuclear fusion reactors - and produces no radioactive waste. Instead it can even neutralize radioactive waste of nuclear power plants as side effect - and itīs even able to create diverse elements by fusion. Lithium is a good example that could be very interesting to be produced artificially through electric fusion. Current state of the technology: Technology scientifically elaborated and technically mastered by plasma physicist and electrical engineers of the SAFIRE PROJECT, founded by Montgomery Childs and funded by the International Science Foundation. The company AUREON ENERGY LTD in California was founded by members of the SAFIRE PROJECT to build and further develop electric fusion plasma reactors. For upscaling the technology on global industrialisation level, the founders are currently looking for investors. More infos: www.aureon.ca www.safireproject.com www.electricuniverse.info Background informations about the current paradigm shift towards PLASMA COSMOLOGY ![]() Example 2: PLASMA VORTEX MOTOR AS ANTI GRAVITY DRIVE A vortex is a spinning electro-magnetic energy field in form of a plasma torus. Every human electro- magnetic field is such a plasma vortex, which is driving our physical and psychical energy flows like a motor. In the same way we have a little plasma vortex motor running in our heart as the bioelectric pacemaker for our heartbeat. When it stops - we die. The energy to run the biovortices of our body, heart, brain and other organs we gain from chemo-electric fuels like food and breath as well as from sunbathing, electron collection through our bare feet and other environmental sources. Like a battery we can store and release electric energy in the chemical form of nutrients, which feed physical and psychical activity through complex electro-magnetic reaction chains. An electro-magnetic motor follows similar principles. An electric current is fed from an outside energy source into a coiled wire, which drives through conduction currents a motors physical forces for human uses like machine driving. The outside source is an actual electricity flow coming out of the public electric grid or from a chemo-electric battery or any other capacitor, in which formerly produced energy was stored to be released for later need. Spinning plasma vortices can be produced not only inside electric motors by an electrified coil, but in the space between an electrified coil underneath and a metal object above, which begins to spin within the electro-magnetic field of the coil. The most interesting observation is, that such a spinning electro-magnetic field can not only spin a physical object above, but with increasing spin velocity can even overcome gravity and elevate the object. Thatīs the experimentally proofen basic physical insight to build plasma vortex motors upon. Or to put in other words: Gravity in the electro- magnetic worldview is not a force by itīs own, but a form of electro-magnetism, in which electron and proton are not in the free state of plasma, but bound together in an atom. Therefore free electro-magnetic plasma flow has much, much stronger physical forces then in itīs gravitationally bound physical atomic form. And this difference in force strength can be used to overcome physical gravity by electro-magnetic propulsion. To reach this goal it makes sense to study already existing vortex motor technologies like Viktor Schaubergers "Repulsine", which is an air vortex motor, that can propell vehicles by using a high velocity spinning air vortex. This principle could be used to produce an electrified spinning plasma vortex, which uses electro- magnetic forces to move a vehicle inside the Earthīs electro-magnetic field alike the suns electric-magnetic field for interplanetary space travelling. For reaching the extrem high spin velocities needed for this task, a plasma vortex motor would work as an implosion motor, that is not pushing the vehicle forward against growing environmental resistance like an explosion motor of a rocket, but pulling it instead into a vaccuum in front of the vehicle with ever lesser resistance. So this kind of anti gravity drive could reach much higher space travel velocities than rockets. As energy source could be used an electric fusion reactor like described above. How to realize such a plasma vortex motor driven vehicle exactly and how to solve all the occuring technological challenges on the way will be our upcoming task now. Current state of the technology: Diverse scientific and technological pioneer projects suggest the practicability of plasma vortex motors. Challenge is still to fully understand and handle the science behind the technological potential. Itīs a good time for brainstorming, experimenting and elaborating new technologies. Inventors paradise. For investors it could be quite interesting to invest risk capital, because the experimental costs to build smaller prototype motors will not be skyrocketing, but the profits from providing automotives of all kind with plasma vortex motors and take traffic from the ground to the air and further into space would be extraordinary. The Think Tank EVOLUTION LEAPERS envisions, foculizes and coordinates the development of plasma vortex motors. Inventors like investors are heartly welcome to contact us: E-mail: info@evolutionleapers.com or send us a message directly to our inbox (click) FREIGEIST VON LEBENSKUNST ![]() Evolutionary Philosopher & CEO EVOLUTION LEAPERS ![]() HOME |